Project Overview
Weiler Engineering Corporation (WEC) completed all civil and structural design and permitting for Medical Office Building that is part of the WMS Health and Wellness Center. This 10,901 sq. ft. medical facility is part of the world renowned Warm Mineral Springs in North Port, FL. WEC is the principal consultant for the redevelopment of the areas surrounding this natural mineral bath international destination, and was selected to provide a variety of professional services to the owner of the WMS Health and Wellness Center. WEC staff completed several applications for entitlements and concept plan approval through the City of North Port and Sarasota County. Included with this project was successful applications for a Future Land Use Map amendment to Activity Center #7, a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan related to the Activity Center, a rezoning to Planned Concept Development (PCD), application for annexation, vacating of underlying platted lots, and preliminary design for Phase I, which includes a 20,000 square feet medical offices and rehabilitation center. As project manager, Jason Green oversaw a team of sub-consultants for environmental and historical assessments, survey, and site analysis. He and other WEC staff prepared the necessary applications and met regularly with North Port Planning staff to ensure each component was satisfactory to the City’s current codes and desired design for the community. Total entitlements approved include almost 300,000 sq. ft. of non-residential space, including an estimated 100-room hotel with a focus on medical-tourism.