Project Overview

Waterfront Villas with Docks
Tranquility Bay Beachfront Hotel and Resort located in Marathon in the Florida Keyes and spans across 12 acres the resort includes 87 condominium two– or three-bedroom beachfront, waterfront, and water view villas, 2.5 acre private beach, three swimming pools, salt water lagoon, putting greens, Tiki bar, a world class restaurant, and a wide variety of water sports activities, provides lodgers with a full experience of what the Florida Keys has to offer.
Engineering design services, and services during construction, were provided including:
- Site plan development
- Stormwater drainage and treatment
- Water distribution
- Wastewater collection and treatment facilities
- Docks and seawalls
Environmental permitting and structural design for all of the homes, beach, seawalls, docks, boardwalks and common facilities.
Weiler Engineering Corporation (WEC) partnered with the developer and contractor to construct the project. The project required the design and construction of approximately 4,740 linear feet of force main and gravity sewer lines. A master lift station and upgrading of an on-site wastewater treatment plant was also included. The lines ranged from 2” service connections to 8” gravity lines. After completion of the project, WEC provided design and permitting services to connect the on-site sewer system to the City of Marathon wastewater system. The sewer collection system, including on-site plant and off-site connections, was completed.

Tranquility Bay Beachfront Hotel Entry
The project is unique and complex, as it was necessary to replace an existing, deteriorating resort with upscale homes and to restore an existing beach and expand it by more than two acres. In addition it was necessary to stabilize 2000 feet of shoreline with a natural rip-rap seawall.
Other design requirements unique to this project include upgrade of an existing wastewater treatment plant to 2010 BAT standards and construction of a complex underground stormwater retention area to provide necessary treatment prior to discharge to the aquatic preserve. WEC worked with the local fire department to provide fire protection to all areas of the resort utilizing a dry line standpipe system as the density and the unique shape of the property precluded adequate access for fire protection vehicles to those areas.

Beachfront Villas at Tranquility Bay Beachfront Hotel and Resort
The project was completed in 2008. The Singh Company was the owner and developer of this resort. WEC provided in-field design changes and worked with the contractor to resolve unexpected construction is- sues. The project was completed on time. Each phase of development was permitted through FDEP. WEC and the contractor worked to exercise careful construction techniques in order to avoid impacts to the environmentally sensitive waters surrounding the development.